
Talk given by Vlad Glaveanu at the Center for Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology Lecture Series, University of Texas in Dallas, USA, on the topic “Culture and the power of creativity and imagination”, 18 April 2018.

Talk given by Vlad Glaveanu at the Spring Camp on Consumer Creativity, ESCP Europe – London campus, on “The cultural psychology of creativity”, 9 June 2014.

Dr. Dominique Jolly of Webster University Geneva presents the eighth in a series of short videos about doing Business in/with China. Here he speaks about research and development in China.

Dr. Dominique Jolly of Webster University Geneva examines the Chinese system of innovation from an international perspective. He focuses on the role foreign R&D centres play within the system, and the potential benefits they can obtain by seizing this opportunity to make the most of China’s knowledge base.